Thursday, June 21, 2012

Florida June 2012

June in Destin
and it's memorable moments...

it's been our first trip to the gulf coast since august of 2010.   not sure why it's taken so long to return after moving home from our year long stint in boston?  we actually had planned a vacation to the northeast before baby, but we figured destin would be an easier & more relaxed option for me so late in the pregnancy.  great plan, for it was a fun trip easy on both ourselves & our wallets.  Also, it was familiar - Destin is sort of a second home for us.

it was a week full of...
  • edward's precious oddities

  • angelic langston moments

  • amplified time spent with daddy who was beyond helpful, & through much sacrifice of his own allowed me plenty of 'lauren time' 

  • time enjoying our kids who soon will share their parents, energy, and love with a baby sister

  • moments watching them together
yes, they argue as all siblings do but they enjoy each other so much, and it's a joy to be a part of

  • beach, pool, and big kahuna fun (first time experience)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

May Events (II)

phase 2
End of the Year Party

at our home
 - which resembles, and has for about a month, a speckled hen - 
for i am incapable of making a decision. 
3 decorators' advice & i'm no closer to choosing a paint option
so, i welcome suggestions in any form
 - for we are probably pretty close to receiving a not so nice 'suggestive - get your act together' letter from the neighborhood association - 
maybe renting is the better option for indecisive types like me?

and i was afraid our home wasn't entertaining enough for a jk student.  in a completely unrelated event, the fire department was on scene to provide amusement.  (with the 'paint indecision' at least we were provided the painter's ladder to keep children contained)  

Final Day at School with Teachers

and, the start of Summer

here's to hoping life doesn't get too dull for the kids, as i'm nearing the end of pregnancy & exhaustion is reaching new heights