Sunday, June 12, 2011

Reason Seven - Our Home

This post is primarily for me - memories -
for few will find a rented dwelling all that appealing.

To me, however, this place is amazing & a contributing cause to why i loved this year so much.
With a blind eye we rented our home. All we knew of Charlestown was what we had seen a year prior when walking the Freedom Trail.
What we saw then is what I loved about this town all year.

Charlestown: a "town"...
- saturated with families, culture, townies, tunnies, parks, history, the irish, catholics
- water, boats, amazing location - within 1 - 2 mile walk of any boston attraction. you walk EVERYWHERE!!!
- community & serious spirit (never seen pride quite like it)
- charming architecture, brick sidewalks, gas street lamps
- the "bunker hill day" parade

1st floor
our entry and home to many strollers, bikes, & trikes

2nd floor
where we spend most of our time
windows, windows, windows
love these windows

our parking spot (extremely rare)
and, spot used for filming "The Town"

3rd floor
our room and the kids'
our room

4th floor
playroom, guest room, & "office"
space rarely used


awesome view


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